Check the date you would like to book. If the boat you wish to rent is not marked “booked” on that date, it is available.
Please text Sandy Dimick at 615-430-0861 to book your date, fill out required paperwork and to arrange payment for your rental. You may pay by check or credit card. The day of your rental, your boat will be launched and awaiting your arrival!
The PYC Satori Foundation achieves its mission by educating through STEM lessons, Inspiring through outreach sails and boating adventures, and Enlightening through improved self-esteem and well-being for our community to have a brighter tomorrow
The PYC Satori Foundation achieves its mission by educating through STEM lessons, Inspiring through outreach sails and boating adventures, and Enlightening through improved self-esteem and well-being for our community to have a brighter tomorrow